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 memcmp()                Compare Characters from Two Buffers

 #include   <mem.h>                      Required for declarations only
 #include   <string.h>                   Use either string.h or memory.h

 int        memcmp(buf1,buf2,cnt);
 const void *buf1;                       First buffer
 const void *buf2;                       Second buffer
 size_t     cnt;                         Number of characters

    memcmp() compares 'cnt' characters of 'buf1' and 'buf2'. The
    comparison is such that 'a' is less than 'b', 'b' is equal to 'b',
    and 'c' is greater than 'b'.

       Returns:     A value indicating the relationship between the two

                         Result       Value Returned
                    'buf1' < 'buf2'         < 0
                    'buf1' == 'buf2'          0
                    'buf1' > 'buf2'         > 0

         Notes:     Case matters: 'a' does not equal 'A'.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements compare the first 100 bytes of 'buffr1' and

           #include <mem.h>

           char buffr1[100], buffr2[100];
           int comp;

               comp = memcmp(buffr1,buffr2,100);

See Also: memccpy() memchr() memcpy() memset()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson